

Yummm, so good!!  Couldn’t resist having some berries today, even found blueberries in the local grocery store.  This is a perfect snack while preparing dinner-stops me from snacking on other things that I shouldn’t.  AND they taste so good!  I munch on these with some flavored water while I cook away, and have no urge to snack on chips or other goodies.

According to “What makes berries so special is their high levels of phytochemicals — those naturally occurring nutrients that help protect cells from damage”.  Well, how can you say no to that??  I say run to the store, stock up on some blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries….mmmm,mmmm!

There are so many ways to enjoy them too.  I like them fresh or in some greek yogurt…or in my oatmeal with almonds…or use them to replace syrup if you are eating pancakes/waffles, I could go on-but I will stop there.

In doing just 5 minutes of searching on the benefits of adding berries to the diet, I have found statements regarding cancer prevention, alzheimer’s prevention, blood pressure control, and they have fiber which may make them safe (in moderation) for those with diabetes to enjoy them as well.  Do a little research and find your reason to add berries to your menu!

Go ahead, munch away!  Enjoy!

Striving for Strength and Health!

Frozen Beauty Surrounds, Look Up and Breathe Today 3


Lake Superior always takes my breath away!  See the ice forming along the shore?  It is so beautiful!  This is piece #3 of “Look Up and Breathe Today”, and the final one for a while.  I have felt the need to share some of the beauty I have found to be an inspiration in the cold of winter.

This has inspired me to get outside and keep going!  I have needed any inspiration I can get.  Once I recommitted to this journey of health, I am finding ways to make slow but steady progress.  It is hard not to think about how much time and effort I lost over the holidays, but that is not productive thinking.

Now as I look up and breathe today, I hope you found time for this as well!

Striving for Strength and Health!

Frozen Power-Look Up and Breathe 2


Ah!  The frozen power of Gooseberry Falls (MN).  The falls are a beautiful, powerful sight whether winter, spring, summer, fall.  This is piece #2 of “Look Up and Breathe Today”.  Remember to find the beauty in this world every chance you get.

Sometimes it would be nice to harness the power of a waterfall in my life-full speed ahead, making it happen!!

Striving for Strength and Health!

Beautiful! Look Up and Breathe Today!


Here is some beauty among the frozen tundra of winter!  What a gorgeous sundog.  We have seen a few of these this week, so thought I would share with everyone.

No matter what we are going through or what is happening in this world, if you pay attention there is beauty to be found.  I almost missed this as I was going along in my hectic schedule-so glad I looked up to breathe for a moment!  Here’s my hope that you will look up and enjoy some beauty in your world today-even for a moment.

Striving for Strength and Health!

Sick, Sick, Sick…

After re-committing to this HEALTH journey, SICKNESS hits with a BANG!  Oh, I was so excited to get back on that wagon and kick it in gear, 4 days later I catch the illness that seems to be going on all around me.  Yay.

So, now that I am coughing like crazy, aching with fever, and barely have energy to get out of bed, how do I attempt to continue on my journey?  I can say it is quite frustrating, so the best I can do is commit to get my fluid intake, eat what I can manage, get lots of vitamin C, and pick up the workouts when this passes….

Posts may stop this week until I am back on track-although we are having windchills of -40 to -50 degrees this week, not going to be getting out much-so I may take the opportunity to share some of my photos, or share summer dreams of kayaking, or winter skiing adventures….hmmm, I will have to think about what might be most fun-I’ll be back!!

Any other suggestions out there for me??

Striving for Strength and Health!

Fire It Up!


It is a bright, beautiful, FREEZING cold morning here in the northland (-23 degrees F)….but I am ready to fire it up!  The metabolism that is.  Time to light some calories on fire and burn them away!  I have recommitted to my goals, and now it is time to give myself the proverbial “kick in the shorts”.

At a meeting with my fitness coach yesterday, I received some good things to keep in mind-what is better, the few minutes of “feel good” when eating in unhealthy ways, or the potential lifetime of feeling good that comes from being fit and healthy?  A suggestion when I do make a poor decision:  turn it around and “flush” out the negative, processed foods with some lemon water, eat additional vegetables, and pick right back up.  I am working on removing the attitude of, “well, screwed up, so might as well stay on that path for the day”.  NO, NO More of that thought process!  I will turn it around, pick back up, and move on in a healthy manner.  Thanks coach!!

So, who’s with me??  Ready to FIRE IT UP?!?  Let’s GO!

Striving for Strength and Health!

The Fog and The New Year


This picture does a good job of portraying how I feel after the past month and a half.  I completely abandoned my blog and the commitments that I made, and feel just now as if I am emerging from the fog!

This is truly in large part to my misguided judgement to how much I could accomplish during that time period.  The holidays KICKED my BUTT, and I let them.  You know the old saying of “falling off the wagon”?  Well, this time I fell off, knocked the wagon over, kicked it, and lit it on FIRE.  Wow.  Time to repair that wagon, shine it up, and climb back on.

Now that it is officially January 1, 2015, I am doing the traditional thing and making a New Year’s Resolution:  I am recharging the batteries, and re-committing to my health journey.  I re-commit sharing my journey through this blog.

Now, I also need to share with you that I have lost some ground and gained back a few of the pounds that I have lost.  Amazingly, I have continued to find time to exercise, but the holiday eating has been horrific.  So, that is the area that I need to most kick it in gear, and take back control.

How have all your holidays been??  Any experiences to share?  What about New Year’s Resolutions-I would sure love to hear what others are putting in place to get on track in life.

Happy New Year wishes to everyone, have a beautiful day!

Oatmeal Morning

I am snuggled up with my warm bowl of oatmeal, watching the light slowly brighten into the day.  What a peaceful morning.

All is quiet in my home, as my family of hunters are out for opening day today, chasing the ever elusive whitetail deer.  This actually gives me a quiet alone-time morning!  I shall call these my “Oatmeal Mornings”!  Doesn’t that sound comforting?  I get to eat warm food, with the fireplace going.  Nice and warm and cozy-while the 6 hunters I have on our land are freezing!  And they think they are having fun…

What is your favorite kind of morning??

Photography 101: Solitude


Solitude:  I couldn’t decide between the two photos-even though the fog photo is a bit dark.  I like the feel of the gull’s solitary flight through the fog rolling in over the bay-but lighthouses have always felt solitary to me as well.

Being present to take these photos was such a feeling of peace!  Don’t you feel you can just about breathe in the crisp air coming off Lake Superior, and feel the dampness of that fog rolling in?  I love it!

Yep, this is Bliss!


This is my idea of bliss-being near the water when it is so calm and quiet.  On the North Shore in MN, near Grand Marais.  I feel such complete happiness and peace enjoying this area with my family.  I have not been there in a long time….I believe it is time to plan a trip very soon!

Note:  I have been swamped for a couple days….so, catching up on Photo 101 assignments!